Are you a victim? Gain the justice you deserve.

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    An expert team dedicated to victims of
    institutional child abuse

    At Marocchi Law, we’re committed to helping victims of institutional sexual abuse, or for those that are dealing with sexual assault. Throughout each step of the way, we’ll guide you through the process, and support you in collecting the compensation you truly deserve.

    We take the time to listen – let our experts show you what it’s like to have a respectful team by your side.

    Know your rights

    Recent changes made to the laws in NSW have been solidified to make sure victims of institutional child abuse receive the support they deserve. These amendments have come from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

    Currently, the Civil Liability Amendment (Organisational Child Abuse Liability) Act 2018 enforces and introduces these laws. The aim of this legislation is to make sure victims of institutional or church-related child abuse (be it sexually or physically) can access legal proceedings to claim compensation for damages.

    If you are a victim of this type of abuse, get in touch with Marocchi Law to discover what you might be entitled to.

    What is child abuse?

    Child physical or sexual abuse is a serious crime and violation of that child’s right to feel protected. Under Australian law, if you have been a victim of this type of abuse, by a clergy member (like a nun or priest) or institutional member (e.g. teacher or sports coach), you may be able to get compensation.

    We understand that those who are dealing with abuse of this kind are often left feeling psychologically or physically harmed. These times are traumatic and can be debilitating. Sometimes life-long, these emotional or physical injuries can take their toll.

    We are here to free you from as much of the pain as we can, helping you to claim the compensation you deserve. We’ll bring you justice and ensure perpetrators are held accountable.

    We are dedicated to treating all clients with dignity and sensitivity

    As one of NSW’s leading teams in personal injury and compensation law, we’re here to help you bring justice to the forefront. With extensive experience in the field, we have both the insights and know-how to bring you the very best results.

    Side by side, let our expert team work with you to claim what’s yours. Our commitment is to make sure all clients receive the utmost respectful, honourable services possible. Let us show you why we are the go-to team in the region.

    Are you a victim?

    If you’re not sure if you fall into the category of being a victim of sexual assault/abuse, consider the following questions:

    • Were you sexually assaulted or abused at a public or religious school?
    • Have you been physically or sexually abused by a member of the church, a church leader or clergy?
    • Have you been sexually assaulted or abused during your stay in institutional care?
    • Were you physically or sexually abused by an individual you felt was a religious or spiritual leader?
    • Have you been sexually or physically abused by a sports leader or coach?

    What is considered an institutional setting?

    In Australia, an institution is considered to be:

    • any public or private agency
    • association
    • organisation
    • Club.

    However, these institutions must offer activities, programs, services or facilities that allow adults to be in contact with minors (children). Child sexual abuse in this kind of setting can happen either on the site of the institution or where the activities typically occur.

    Our lawyers will sit and listen to your situation, and understand the abuse you have been through. Let us initiate the best possible plan of attack and claim the compensation you deserve. Contact us now to speak to our friendly, respectful team.

    What kind of situation does compensation for child sexual/physical abuse cover?

    Abuse of this nature can occur in a number of situations, including:

    • Religious or faith-based contexts – e.g. Christian or Catholic churches, temples, etc.
    • Early childhood education centres or care environments
    • Private schools
    • Public schools
    • Healthcare.medical environments
    • Sports centres/settings
    • Commonwealth/State Government settings.

    Whether you or a loved one has been through a traumatic experience with child sexual/physical abuse, we are here to help.

    What does compensation cover?

    • Suffering and pain
    • Loss of income both in the past and future
    • Costs of medical treatment and ongoing support, both in the past and future
    • Costs associated with legal support.

    What are the time limits for compensation?

    Under the NSW Government’s response, time limits for civil claims are no longer in place. This means you can make a claim at any stage, no matter when the abuse happened.

    Who can make a claim?

    A claim can be put forward by anyone who has been through physical/sexual abuse when they were 18 years of age or under, and while they were in an institutional setting. If this is you – or a loved one – we can help you get started with the process with reliable, transparent advice.

    Please note:

    Legislation has passed that if you settled a claim for sexual abuse particularly against the church and did not have legal representation from 1970 to 2015 you may be able to re open the claim and sue again for the correct amount and receive the correct amount of compensation.

    Contact us now to discuss your individual case further.

    Why choose Marocchi Law?

    When you choose us to help you get the compensation you are entitled to, you can expect:

    • A no-obligation consultation around your situation
    • A no-win-no-fee policy – only pay when we get you the results you’re after
    • A consultation in your preferred language
    • Convenient offices that allow you to easily access our services
    • An in-home consultation, for those unable to get to our locations.

    If you’re looking for a compensation lawyer team, get in contact with Marocchi Law now by calling 1300 727 266.

    Additional resources

    If you – or someone you know – requires emotional support, the following services can provide you with the support you need:

    • Royal Commission Into Institutional Responses To Child Sexual Abuse
    • Blue Knot Foundation
    • Reach Out Sexual Assault Support

    Trusted Legal Advice

    Our team, with over 30 years of experience, is committed to providing clear and effective legal support.

    CALL NOW: 1300 727 266

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      Level 27 St Martins Tower, 44 St Georges Terrace Perth NSW 6000

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      Suite 140, Level 14, 167 Eagle Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000